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🏛️ Day on the Hill 2025

Join PHCC of WA as we advocate for our industry in Olympia!

Thursday, March 20, 2025
9:00 AM - 3:30 PM (PDT)
You are either at the table or on the menu. Sit with us at the table and meet your legislators!

Join us to engage directly with lawmakers and showcase the critical role the plumbing, heating, and cooling industry plays in our state’s economy.


Your experiences provide real-world context. We’ll prepare you with a briefing, discussion points, and answers to prepare for impactful meetings.


Network with colleagues and decision-makers dedicated to advancing our industry. Don’t miss this opportunity to collaborate and influence policy.

Credits Price
Day on the Hill Attendee
PHCC of WA members are welcome to join us at the 2025 Day on the Hill in Olympia!
Credits Price
Fuel the Future Sponsor
This sponsorship provides lunch and snacks to energize attendees for engaging with lawmakers. Benefits include: two (2) Day on the Hill tickets, recognition as a sponsor on the PHCC of WA website, a 3-minute speaking opportunity at the opening meeting in Olympia, and signage in the room acknowledging your generous support, and networking opportunities.


March 20
9:00 AM Meet on Capitol Steps/Group Photo PHCCWA will meet on the Capitol steps (north side) to take a memorable group photo together, and then head to The Castle for refreshments and orientation.
9:15 AM - 9:30 AM Orientation at The Castle Attendees will be briefed and prepared for legislative meetings. Light breakfast refreshments and coffee will be available. The meeting space will also have snacks and lunch throughout the the day.
9:45 AM - 3:00 PM Legislative Meetings at the Capitol Attendees meeting with their legislators throughout the day at the Capitol, and can recharge in the PHCCWA space at The Castle.
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM Lunch at The Castle Lunch provided for attendees to refresh and refuel for legislative meetings.
3:00 PM Legislative Debrief at The Castle Re-convene as a group to go over what was accomplished during the day's meetings.
3:30 PM The Castle Meeting Room Closes Our meeting space at The Castle closes at 3:30 pm. We kindly ask all attendees to plan accordingly and remove any needed items from The Castle by this time.

For More Information:

Todd Allred
Todd Allred
Executive Director PHCC of Washington (206)348-0483